Saturday, August 30, 2014


Response to Marilyn Manson article.

I think Manson made some great points in the article. He stated that "America puts killers on the cover of time magazine, giving them as much notoriety as our favorite movie stars". I found this very interesting because I have always wondered why America does that myself. Why would we put there picture all over the news and basically make them as famous as most celebrities? Its basically a double edged sword. We as a country would like to know what is going on in our country but by plastering serial killers all over media website and news networks, we more or less make them celebrities over night. I'm sure not all of them care if people know about them but a majority of them commit these crimes as a cry for attention or as a message to the masses. What better way to get attention than to be seen on every channel and to be talked about on every radio station. Its a very tough situation and I don't believe America has been dealing with it in a correct manner. Although I am very unclear on what the correct solution is and I believe America is to.

Response to Quentin Tarantino articles.

I for the most part personally agree with Tarantino's take on the subject. Movies are movies and real life is real life. It's unfair to blame violent movies for violence in the real world because people who have never seen violent movies can still be violent and people who have seen violent movies aren't violent. In certain situations I think violent movies may trigger real life violence in some people but only because they already had that violence inside them. I think violence is more of a home life issue. If you grow up around violence in the house hold than your way more likely to be violent. For someone who has grown up around violence and already has that psyche a violent movie may trigger that rage and anger but I don't feel just by watching violent movies that it will cause a normal person to be violent. I lot of other personal (real life) situations have to take place  before someone becomes violent. Although I will agree really violent movies don't help the situation much.

Response to "Violent media poisoning nation's soul"

Lasalle makes some great points. I especially liked the argument for making violent movies rated R, instead of having so much violence in PG-13 movies, that makes a lot of sense. A lot less impressionable minds would be subject to the movies violence and that would always be a good thing. A point that really got my wheels turning is the fact that we don't see very many explicit sex scenes in movies. So why is it okay with America to "promote" violence in movies but not acceptable to "promote" love. The act of making love is more unacceptable to the public than the act of taking a life. Seems quiet backwards to me. Like I stated in my response to the Quentin Tarantino articles, I don't agree that movies alone are responsible for influencing a person to be violent but I do admit that the movies aren't helping the situation. This issue is just one of many hard hitting issues our country is presenting facing. I really hope we can fix the problems but it will take some time and some very hard work.

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