Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Last of Zone One Readings

So the day comes where there will no longer be anymore reading of this slow paced, detailed story. Ultimately the book had an excellent process for describing the setting in such detail and giving a very good feel of what it may be like to be in such a situation. At the beginning of Sunday I found it interesting when they discussed the finding of different suicidal corpses. It help establish how intense the plague was for everyone. the status of these people's lifestyle got to intense to handle, to the point that they felt it was easier to kill themselves rather than live. It makes me think that if a plague was to occur, people would most likely be left in terrible living conditions and would no longer be able to handle. I felt the overall idea of the story was very interesting. To see less action but more of the rebuilding phase of civilization was unique and insightful. Colson Whitehead developed a very unique, dark setting that i could easily imagine myself in.

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