Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Zone One: Part 2

In the second part of reading Zone One, there is still an exhausting amount of side stories and explanations. At times it is a little difficult to follow along with. Although there is a large amount of flash backs and thought, it does help develop the setting to further explain the world now and then. In the second part of reading this book, they went on to explain more about what the survivors were doing, why there were doing it and their goal for the city. I found a lot of this was explained in the portion where Mark Spitz arrived at Fort Wonton and was speaking with the Lieutenant. The Lieutenant discussed their mission and the goal to rebuild the city sections at a time using barricades. I liked that they went on to explain, briefly, what Kaitlyn and Gary were doing when the plague started. It reminds us that they were individuals and had their own normal lives but now are together as a team and a family. As the stories progress, it is interesting to see the pasts of these characters and show how their differentiating personalities and pasts help one another work as a team.

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