Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Zone one section two reading reaction

It is interesting to see in this section of the book the origins of our character’s Mark, Caitlyn and Gary. Up until this point we don’t really know anything about theses characters other than the work details they were put on and the living conditions they are in. I really like how Mark has his various versions of his last night story, only brandishing the copy needed per the person he comes across. Earlier on in the book it struck me quite confused to see over and over again Gary’s character refer to himself in the 3rd person as if he were the 3 brothers all wrapped into one shell always saying “we” seems odd to me as if he has a psychosis that has yet to rear its head only waiting for the breaking point or the time he has to share his last night story and then he snaps. Gary as a character interests me, he doesn’t seem like the person to take orders from a young somewhat upbeat sorority type girl. Caitlyn we still know the least about her other than she is in some sort of managerial position over the guys, always enforcing the “regs” even when it comes to a minuscule candy bar. I hope as the novel progresses we can find out some of the hardships that helped Caitlyn come to the position and place she is at as of the moment she’s a different yet awesome character. With that being said for omega team I did also notice that Nomas’s team was also lead by a female Angela. Its interesting to see when all this chaos is happening that in the book females haven’t lost their equality in society while so much has reverted back to a former time occupied by less technology. Lastly I like that while all this chaos from the plague is happening from the outside looking in it almost looks like a normal city with persons aimlessly roaming the streets and parks all be it they are reanimated corpses, but still the city is still alive and we see that in many descriptions that we are given by Mark.

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