Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Article Response

In the article about Quentin Tarantino I do believe that he has a valid point about separating violence in movies and violence in real life. Quentin believes that violence is a part of his movies as much as another film maker may use comedy. Everyone has their own style. I believe that there is little to no connection between animated violence and real life violence. For example, I grew up watching violent movies and playing violent video games but I want to be a police officer to help better the world. I believe violence is in the person and the media is just something to blame.

In the article written by Mark LaSalle he states that violence is the cause of violence in our society. He says that movies, like anything else, are a part of our culture and children and young adults see images of graphic deaths it desensitizes them to real life violence. He believes that fake violence is creating a culture in which young people turning into adults don't understand the seriousness of violence. He also says that movie critics aren't helping because they will write a good review on a violent movie just because that's the thing to do. Violence is a part of any culture and video games and movies are entertainment. A normal minded person will not get desensitized just from movies.

Marylin Manson makes his view very clear in this article. He was blamed for creating a violent culture of young adults. Manson claims he was just making music and that has nothing to do with turning two teenagers into murderers. Manson blames the media for making violent people "celebrities" by plastering their faces all over the media. They make movies, write articles, and make murderers famous. Manson believes violence is human nature like when Cain killed Abel, there was no movies to blame it on then, just human hate. I believe Manson has a point, human nature is violence, it has been in our history for millennia and movies are just something to blame.

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