Monday, September 8, 2014

Reaction to The Walking Dead Comic

I, like many others in this class I'm sure, watched The Walking Dead TV series! (Only through season 3) So I was pretty familiar with the characters already when I opened the comic. To be completely honest, I am tired of the zombie franchise, the over done concept has been exhausted by so many movie directors and TV producers it's hard to come across something fresh and different.  Zombies aren't that scary to me, especially how they are depicted in this comic.. Slow, flesh eating, moaning dead people. Personally, I like my monsters to be scary. I know the author makes a statement about this right away, but come on... It's zombies. Give me some thrills. If you've seen the movie World War Z- now those are some scary zombies! None the less The Walking Dead has a great story line, which is what makes it different. I like how the focus isn't really on the zombies, but the characters, their stories and how they survive together. The Walking Dead comic was very interesting to read AFTER watching the show, I expected to see more differences in translating from paper to on-screen, but it is flawlessly similar. I feel like the art work really tied together the over-all tone to the story, it wouldn't have been as successful in conveying Rick's character and attitude without the visuals.

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