Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 1

Landon Matneny

MACC Fall 2014 Comp.

Mr. Darr

I really enjoyed the different points of view given from the different writers in these articles. My personal favorite was Tarantino's. I feel like he has got the media figured out and understands that there is not a problem with movies or television, but a problem with the media that follows.

In Tarantino's responses he constantly repeats the fact that he is just a film maker. He makes movies for a living. The media should understand that. If there was a problem with comedy in America, I'm sure that the media would look into people like Mel Brooks or Judd Apatow. However, since there isn't aproblem with comedy they look to people like Tarantino as they believe there is a "violence" problem in America. Tarantino makes violent movies, always has. However we cant blame one person for the violence brought on by people that feel like killing others.

As for the LaSalle article, I understand where he comes from. LaSalle talks about the violence that media brings to the table opposed to the movies themselves. I like the point of view he offers and how he points the finger at the media instead of at the cinema itself. I disagree with the fact that LaSalle believes there is a gun problem in America. If guns were a problem, then why are they an issue now? Why didnt the term "gun problem" come up when Bonnie and Clyde made their way across the U.S. wielding Tommy guns, shooting up banks? I believe the answer is because there was no cinema or media to bring about the carnage they brought. In my opinion, we don't have any problems with guns, movies, or media, we have a problem with people.

Manson's point of view doesn't point any fingers anywhere, except for maybe at the parents of the kids that massacre people. He believes that it is the way that a person is brought up that makes them who they are. If they are brought up in a strict home where there are punishments for wrong-doing, those kids probably wont end up shooting up schools, movie theaters, or anywhere. He believes that it is the media that points the finger at people like himself and not the people. The people may listen to the media and base their opinion on what it has to say, but that is the work of the media. America doesn't want to take responsibility for it's actions, and therefore has to direct the blame for these events of figures like Manson.

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