Friday, September 5, 2014

Reaction to "The Walking Dead" comic

In response to The Walking Dead comic.

                I am one of the many people who are obsessed with zombies and anything that has to do with them.  The Walking Dead comic vol. 1 was a very well-illustrated, entertaining comic that kept me engaged the entire time.
                Rick was a police officer that got shot and went into a coma just before a zombie apocalypse occurred. He awoke, very confused, to an abandoned town and no wife or kid at home. I would be very devastated to find my wife and kid missing after waking up from a month long coma. After finding a man and his son that told him everyone had traveled to Atlanta, Rick grabbed some gear and headed off to the city. He was surprised to be unable to find gas (which he could have syphoned from other vehicles). I am not in his situation, nor have I ever been, so I feel I cannot accurately assume what I would do.
                After he found a survivor in the city, who took him to a camp with others, Rick found his wife and kid there. His co-worker had brought them to the city and assured their safety. I saw this as a stretch and in some ways unrealistic but I keep in mind that it is a comic and it makes for an interesting storyline. Rick continues to try and get the camp moved due to safety hazards because they are so close to the city. His co-worker Shane refuses but I agree with Rick that it would be safer further from the city, with the exception of getting supplies.
                This volume ends in Rick’s son shooting Shane to protect Rick, which was an un-expected turn of events for me. I found it to be very interesting and a good way to end the issue. The entire issue was enticing and I look forward to reading more of these interesting comics in the future. 

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