Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Walking Dead/Vampire Gentleman Reaction

Reaction to Walking Dead and Vampire Gentleman Article

                My reaction to the article and the reading was one I didn’t quite expect. I actually found myself opening up to the possiablity of acceptin zombies as a ligiament form of horror. Never before had I thought this. I had always pushed zombies aside thinking them to be nothing more than silly, groaning, corpses. I have never really delved into what they could actually represent, what there origins were, or why there were so popular. It was also cool to read how much vampires have changed from being the center of the horror gene to shifting out and into an entirelly different genre in general.

                I had always been a fan of vampires, though found myself less interested as the fanbase was split between making them complete hidious monsters and sexy humane beasts. I had been a fan of the past vampires that were a bit of both. Seductive enough you overlooked the beast that was within andwaiting for you to drop your guard so they could strike. Zombies just didn’t have that appeal for me. Having been introduced to some of their background and having read an actually decent depiction of zombies in The Walking Dead I actually found myself impressed and wanting to read more.

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