Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The walking dead

I enjoy reading about zombie apocalypse because its makes one realize how good they actually have it even if they're struggling in life. We still have it very easy as American's. Work, bills and debt effect a majority of us as a country but I think most people complain because they haven't ever know a true hardship or true devastation. If you ask them would they rather keep their life the way it is or would you rather a zombie apocalypse happen? Most people would choose to keep it the same. Me on the other hand I honestly wouldn't mind something world changing to happen. We as American's take so much for granted. Everyone has cell phones and Facebook. What would they do if the satellites crash? Most people wouldn't know what to do without their internet and television. I think that's very sad. I love to camp and be outside as much as possible. Learning how to survive in the wild is a very important skill that's being lost over time. Ultimately this skill will be very useful and will save you at some point in time. Knowing how to start a fire, how to hunt and how to shoot a gun will be the difference between life and death. Reading this comic only proves my point. They had fire but had to risk their lives to collect more guns to survive. I personally would have taken Rick's side in wanting to move camp away from the zombies. I thought Shane was acting irrational from the start with him not wasn't to move, trying to comfort Rick's wife and also his short temper. Obviously he was losing it because at the end he told Rick he wasn't suppose to come back. Pulled a gun on Rick and ultimately left Carl with no other option but to kill him. I'm anxious  to see what happens next!

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